About This Site

Welcome to my blog site. Most likely you got here through . If so, I hope you poked through it a bit, and in the future return every so often. It’s there you’ll find all of my work, including the images you see here, and a little info about me.

My main site has been in operation since I got RMP up and running in 2009.  Eight years later, I added this blog site to have a more free-form space, one in which I could expand with words personal projects, travels, or even just everyday happenings — anything with stories behind them. One thing you’ll not find here is work done with clients. This place is about what happens off the clock. If some experience, after the fact, stays in my head long enough for me to write it down, and a few decent shots come out of it, most likely it’ll end up here … sooner or later.

So drop in every once in a while to see what might be new.

Thanks for visiting, and if so inclined, send me some words of your own. In the meantime, keep exploring!